Report to UN75 on How Local and Regional Governments Envision the Global Future

On the occasion of the United Nations 75th anniversary, at a time of great challenge, the United Nations convened a global dialogue to discuss human priorities and how we can build a better future for all. The international municipal and regional movement, through the Global Taskforce facilitated by UCLG, joined the UN75 global conversation to ensure that the voices of cities and regions around the world are represented.
This is what we are sharing with the United Nations. Local and regional governments are willing to be a part of the future of the multilateral system and ensure that the future livelihoods of our communities are drivers of global policies, and that the dreams and expectations of people all over the world truly shape actions and decisions.
This platform is inspired by the report submitted to the United Nations in September 2020, it is a UCLG contribution to the process and it includes consultations and voices from the organizations part of the Global Taskforce.

Launching the “Decade of Action”, and on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the UN, Secretary General Antonio Guterres issued a call to come together and accelerate action for all the people of the world.
In times in which our communities need us the most, we need to ensure that the visions of local and regional leaders, and the communities they serve, shape the global system. Local and regional governments and their associations pledged to join the conversation on multilateralism, holding consultations on the future of our planet.

We need to bring about a next generation of multilateralism that integrates local democracy at the core of peaceful societies.
The future we imagine in 2045 is one in which the sacrifices that are made now are in favour of the communities of the future. We will need to make it happen through inclusive co-creation with our communities and local and regional actors, and through full collaboration between all spheres of government.
The report that our constituency of local and regional governments and their associations and networks gathered within the Global Taskforce is presenting is the result of the vision and the leadership of cities and regions from all over the world, who envision a world that leaves no one and no place behind in the recovery from the pandemic and that considers everyone in the decision-making process.

To reach true multilateral collaboration we need to move forward with the structural changes in the multilateral system in order to overcome the trends that characterize our world today.
The current outbreak has amplified how our current development model, in spite of the transformative efforts of the global development agendas, is stress testing our systems.
It will be up to cities, and local and regional governments and their associations to guide global actions in the aftermath, by learning and supporting each other as an interconnected worldwide system in order to lead the discussion with the communities on how our future, and the way we live, will be shaped.
Building On
and Cooperation

What we envision in 2045 is a more profound and restorative relationship between humanity and urbanization, between wellbeing and wellness of individual human beings at the community level as well as global harmony between all life forms on the planet. Within this context, local and regional governments and their associations will continue to bring legitimacy to the global agendas and will continue strengthening them from the ground-up by fostering their ownership as the closest level of government to the people and territories.
The future of the international system in 2045 will be built on systems of cities, regions and communities based on solidarity and not competition, and thus allow the transition from a productive to a creative society.

The transformation that our planet calls for needs to be driven by solidarity and will be owned by our communities and protected by their local and regional governments.
Local and Regional Leaders Imagine the World in 2045:

Our unique position as the constituency of local and regional governments is one that harnesses inclusion and co-creation, one that embraces the structural shift needed to move us towards “community-driven multilateralism”.
The moment to establish a governance model based on making decisions following patterns of collaboration and not competition. More than ever, as the pandemic has shown, local and regional governments are key to achieving sustainable development. This is the moment to establish a governance model that enables decision-making based on multi-level collaboration among all spheres of government. The most genuine example is the 2030 Agenda. After all, the greatest global challenges defined in the SDGs must be implemented at territorial and local level where citizens can be part of the change.

In the COVID-19 pandemic context, a time of unprecedented and universal challenges we, local and regional governments around the world, are at the forefront of the efforts to overcome these proving times as allies of other spheres of government, of the scientific community, and as global actors with important transformational and convening power.

The future that we want needs to consider all of our voices. Join us, and enter the global conversation on the future that our communities need.
What kind of world do you imagine by 2045?
Join the global conversation here!
The world answers the call
To truly bring the voices from the entire municipal movement to the Report we have gone beyond holding a global consultation Consultations throughout all world regions were held, as well as a Metropolitan consultation and one held by the sister networks from the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments allowing to bring the voices from all corners of the world, cities of all sizes, and voices from the entire constituency, to the global conversation.
Virginia Raggi
Mayor of RomeMohamed Boudra
UCLG President, Mayor of Al Hoceima, President of the Moroccan Association of Municipal CouncilsArmand Béouindé
Mayor of OuagadougouPirouz Hanachi
Mayor of TehranAda Colau
Mayor of Barcelona, UCLG Special Envoy to the UNSuharti Sutar
Deputy Governor of Jakarta for Population Control and Human Settlement, Jakarta Provincial GovernmentAmarsaikhan Sainbuyan
Mayor of UlaanbaatarCatarina Vaz Pinto
Deputy Mayor of LisbonClaudia López
Mayor of BogotáCarola Gunnarsson
Mayor of Sala, Vice-President of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, UCLG Vice-PresidentSoham El Wardini
Mayor of DakarPeter Kurz
Mayor of Mannheim Pablo Jurado
President of the Region of Imbabura, President of the CONGOPE, UCLG Vice-PresidentSami Kanaan
Mayor of Geneva
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Rio Conventions Resources for the Report